It seemed like I would never finish, and now it's all over. Wow! I honestly can't begin to explain how proud I am of myself. I also can't begin to say how thankful I am to my husband for supporting me (both financially and emotionally) throughout this journey. There were a lot of times when I got frustrated or thought I couldn't do it, and I'm so glad that I never listened to the little gremlins in my head who tried to get me to give up.
Now back to yesterday...I arrived at the Santa Clara Convention Center with my husband. I went to the student area while he went to the spectator area. In the student area we dressed in our caps and gowns and then waited in a long line until it was time to enter the auditorium. It was an interesting experience standing there waiting until it was time to go. I saw a couple of my friends who were in the Hospitality program with me, we congratulated each other, and then went our separate ways. Standing in line for about an hour though, you're bound to talk to someone. I met a nice lady who struck up a conversation with me. She was really nice and even though we will most likely never see each other again, I will always remember her from my graduation day. After what seemed like forever, we finally started our walk into the auditorium. Again I say wow! I couldn't believe it, but as we started to walk out of the staging area I got tears in my eyes. There was no way I was walking into the auditorium crying so I just bit my lip and forced myself not to do it. I made it into the auditorium, half way down the aisle to my seat, and then I saw Ed and the tears came back for a second and then I finally got it together.
After the processional we all sat down and listened as the typical speakers (valedictorian, chancellor, president, etc.) got up and gave their spiels. I was really touched and pleased that one of the first things we did was stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I haven't done that in school since elementary school. As pleased as I was about the Pledge, I was equally annoyed when the valedictorian got up and started thanking God and rambling about how Jesus died on the cross for her, blah, blah, blah. I respect that she had her beliefs and I support her right to have them, but I don't want to hear it at my graduation ceremony. If I wanted to listen to a sermon, I would have gone to church. You may feel differently, and if you do, that's okay with me. But, this is MY blog and I'm just telling you how I feel.
Anyway, after all the speakers were through they began with the presentation of the Certificates and then the Degrees. I was so happy and excited to walk across that stage as they called my name. It really was a proud moment!
After the ceremony we had the recessional and all the graduates and faculty filed out, then the audience followed. Unfortunately, they didn't do a very good job of traffic control out of the auditorium. We were all funneled out of one set of doors and it was just a giant cluster fuck out in the hall area. Anyway, after standing there and getting really kind of frustrated and upset, I finally found Ed. He told me not to get frustrated, then he gave me a kiss and told me congratulations. =) We took a few pictures outside then walked back to the car where I got the heck out of that hot gown!

Then we went to dinner at one of my favorite places, Old Port Lobster Shack. A lobster roll and a blueberry wheat ale were a perfect way to celebrate. It was a good day!
Congratulations! It's so awesome that you finished before being whisked off to Colorado! (I totally agree with you about the sermon at graduation.)