On Friday Ed took the day off and we went to the Denver zoo. It was really fun and I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. After all, living in San Diego for as long as we did, we were accustomed to the "World Famous San Diego Zoo". While it was certainly NOT the San Diego zoo, it was very nice. I once went to the San Francisco zoo and that has to be the worst zoo I have every visited.
We just bought a new camera and Ed is a picture taking fool. I'm going to spare you the 600+ pictures that he took at the zoo and just post a very few of my favorites. Now, I'm a cat person, so of course I have to post some of those...
One of my favorite things to do when we lived in San Diego, was go to San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park. They have one exhibit there that I love above all others, Lorikeet Landing. You go into an open air enclosure where there are dozens of lorikeets flying around. You can buy a little cup of nectar and then hold it up and you will usually be mobbed with hungry birds landing on your hand to eat the nectar. Well, at the Denver Zoo they have an exhibit called Lorikeet Adventure and I was pretty excited to go in. Unfortunately, it was pretty small compared to what I was expecting and they didn't have near the amount of birds as in San Diego. So, lots of people and not a lot of birds meant that the birds just weren't that hungry. I did get to feed them, but they wouldn't land on my hand. =( Oh well, I guess I can't always have everything I want and I still liked feeding them.
Yesterday we just worked around home trying to finish our organizing. We cleaned out a lot of old clothes to donate and just generally worked on getting things in order.
Today, the 4th, we went out to breakfast and did a little running around. I'm not sure if we'll go see fireworks tonight or not. Neither one of us really like dealing with the crowds and parking that comes along with holidays. I guess we're a couple of old grumps! =) In any case, it's been a good weekend.
Great pictures!
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful photos! Looks like a great weekend. =)
ReplyDeleteIt really was!