Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Trip to Colorado - Day Two

Okay, so we got up Friday, drugged the cats, went to breakfast, came back, loaded the cats up and checked out of Motel Hell.

Friday's drive was very long. We got on the road at about 8:30 a.m. and didn't pull into our place in CO until around 10 p.m. Though the day was long, it was a good day all in all. We started the morning out in Nevada, went through Utah, Wyoming, and finally arrived in Colorado. I have to say, with the exception of driving through the salt flat area of Utah, I really enjoyed all the scenery along the drive.

That's about it, nothing too exciting happened along the drive. Although I will say that we were nearly blown away by the high winds in Wyoming. Wow! The cats were good again except for maybe the last half hour of the drive when they started crying. We understood though, it had been 12 hours since they had been medicated and it was wearing off.

We survived though, and so did they.


  1. What a pretty drive. Glad you arrived in one piece.

  2. Glad you had a safe trip. The pictures are awesome.
